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The White Family Pays it Forward in a Big Way

For over 100 days, the founders of Whiteway Construction, Tim and Brenda White were fortunate enough to have a safe and comforting place to stay when their son (and current CEO of Whiteway Construction) Gavin was being treated for Guillain-Barré Syndrome.

White Family Donation

About This Donation

Who The White Family & Whiteway Construction

When 2022

Contribution Room Adoption

The Story

For over 100 days in 2008 and 2009 the founders of Whiteway Construction, Tim and Brenda White were fortunate enough to have a safe and comforting place to stay when their son (and current CEO of Whiteway Construction) Gavin was being treated for Guillain-Barrésyndrome.

After noticing many symptoms such as numbness in his hands and feet, strep throat, mobility issues, dropping things and having little energy, Gavin and his family knew they needed to get him looked at. After being misdiagnosed and his symptoms worsened, so they were sent to McMaster Hospital in Hamilton where he was eventually diagnosed with Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS).

GBS is a rare disorder where the body's immune system damages its own nerves. The damage to the nerves causes muscle weakness, and in Gavin’s case, causing him to be unable to walk and have trouble breathing. The only thing not affected were his eyes and ears. Because they had waited so long to get a diagnosis, the window of a quick recovery had passed and as it was deemed Gavin had a chronic case of GBS. After many treatments and ups and downs Gavin started to heal and was able to start therapy to get him back to his old self. 

The White family lives in Elora which was over an hour drive from the hospital and Gavin. They had looked into hotel rooms or rentals but this would add a huge financial burden to their family. They had 3 other children at home so they had to divide and conquer. Brenda was staying with Gavin and Tim would drive back and forth to take care of the family at home. This is where Ronald McDonald house came in…

White Family Donation

  • When we were introduced to the possibility of a room at RMHC®SCO, we were extremely relieved since I had been sleeping on a chair in Gavin's room at the hospital. We could not believe the amenities we were given at the House. Having a warm and clean house to go to for a sleep, meal, shower and to rejuvenate was an immense benefit to our mental and physical health.
    Brenda White

Being right down the street from the hospital it was their home away from home and a place to take a much-needed break with their family. Many people helped in Gavin’s recovery and supported their family including Gavin’s employer at the time – McDonald’s!

McGavin Day was held at the Elmira McDonald’s location where many of his friends, family and community came out to support with all the proceeds going to RMHC.

The White family continues to say thank you and show their support to other families with sick kids. With the added support of Whiteway Construction, they have been sponsoring a room at RMHC®SCO for other families to call home away from home.

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